6 DIY Essential Oil Blends to Naturally Strengthen Immunity

6 DIY Essential Oil Blends to Naturally Strengthen Immunity

Dec 18, 2023

In our quest to fortify our health, building immunity stands as a cornerstone. One of the simplest yet effective methods involves the integration of immune-boosting essential oils into our daily regimen.

These oils, derived from nature's essence, possess remarkable properties that enhance our immune system naturally.

A diverse array of essential oils renowned for their ability to bolster immunity exist. Among these, eucalyptus, rosemary, and thyme stand out as particularly effective.

Whether diffused or blended with carrier oils for topical application, their benefits are abundant.

An essential point to note when utilizing these oils is that a little goes a long way. A few drops suffice to unlock their advantages.

Additionally, adopting a holistic approach inclusive of a nutritious diet, ample sleep, and regular exercise significantly contributes to immune fortification.

Understanding the Role of the Immune System:

The immune system acts as the body's shield against infections, foreign intruders, and the onset of diseases. Strengthening this defense mechanism remains a paramount endeavor for overall well-being.

Recent studies highlight the impact of emotional and psychological factors on immune response. Leveraging aromatherapy oils can significantly aid the body in achieving improved health and wellness.

Natural Ways to Boost Immunity:

Handwashing helps fend off germs that cause disease.

Enhancing your immune system equips your body to fend off diseases, bacteria, and viruses effectively. Being mindful of lifestyle choices and environmental factors that could compromise immunity is crucial.

Here are fundamental elements for a robust immune system:

  1. Hand Washing: Regular and thorough hand washing remains one of the most crucial preventive measures. Refer to CDC guidelines for proper hand hygiene.
  2. Proper Nutrition: Consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables while limiting saturated fats and sugars is pivotal. Hydration is equally important.
  3. Adequate Sleep: Quality sleep facilitates the body's repair processes. Explore natural sleep aids like diffuser blends for a restful night.
  4. Stress Management: Keeping stress levels in check is vital as stress weakens the immune system. Techniques such as yoga, meditation, and essential oils can be immensely beneficial.
  5. Exercise: Regular physical activity contributes significantly to a body primed to combat potential threats.

Unlock the Power of Immune-Boosting Essential Oils:

Blending these essential oils creates a powerhouse for immunity boosting.

Essential oils serve as a fantastic avenue for reinforcing the immune system. Delve into ways to seamlessly incorporate these oils into your daily routine for natural immune enhancement.

Discover the power of various essential oils renowned for their immunostimulant properties.

Here are some notable ones and their uses:

1. Clove Essential Oil

  • A very potent antioxidant, has a true to spice aroma.
  • For a natural mouthwash, place 1 drop of clove oil in a shot glass of water and swish in mouth for 1-2 minutes, then spit out.

2. Oregano Essential Oil

  • Powerful pathogen fighter with a strong herbal scent.
  • Add 2 drops of oregano in carrier oil and massage into soles of feet.

3. Peppermint Essential Oil

  • Peppermint oil has a refreshing, cooling effect that can help to ease congestion.
  • This high-quality antiseptic and antiviral oil combats germs while leaving behind a refreshing aroma.
  • It is also very effective at supporting the respiratory system.
  • Add 2 drops to a tissue and inhale the aroma throughout the day to open airways and sinuses.

4. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

  • Eucalyptus oil is known for its ability to clear congestion and ease respiratory issues.
  • It's also an antiviral agent, making it great for preventing colds and flu.
  • Diffuse eucalyptus oil to boost immune activity and open airways.
  • You can also add 2 drops to the shower floor to receive positive effects from the aromatherapy steam.

5. Lemon Essential Oil

  • Lemon oil promotes health, healing, and energy.
  • It has strong antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.
  • Try a natural room freshener by adding 20 drops to a 2 oz spray bottle, fill the rest of the bottle with distilled water. Use the spray to cleanse and freshen the air.

6. Cinnamon Essential Oil

  • Supports immune activity and provides powerful protection against bacteria and viruses.
  • Add one drop to your toothbrush before brushing.

7. Tea Tree Oil

  • Stimulates the immune system and assists the body in resisting and fighting infection.
  • It has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, which makes it great for warding off infection.
  • Mix 3-5 drops of tea tree into a tablespoon of castile soap and add to bathwater.
  • Make a fungus fighting foot bath with tea tree oil.

8. Rosemary Essential Oil

  • Rosemary is great for boosting circulation and easing inflammation.
  • Dilute a few drops of rosemary and apply to skin sores or bites to reduce redness and swelling.

9. Thyme Essential Oil

  • This effective antiseptic essential oil can help to clear up fungal infections and colds.
  • Add a drop or two into the shower before getting in.

10. Lavender Essential Oil

  • Encourage restorative sleep as well as decreased stress with this versatile oil. Remember, stress and sleep are both contributing factors for lowered immunity.
  • Lavender oil has both antibacterial and antiviral properties, it
  • also has antioxidant properties, protecting the cells from free radicals.
  • Add a few drops to a tablespoon of unscented lotion and apply it to the body before bedtime.

11. Frankincense Essential Oil

  • Ease anxiety, stress, colds and more with this amazing oil.
  • Add to your diffuser along with other immune supportive essential oils.
  • It has a wonderful aroma that can boost your mood.

12. Basil Essential Oil

  • Basil oil is known for its antiviral and antibacterial properties, making it perfect for fighting off colds and other infections.
  • Has an energizing scent that is a great choice when you need a little pick-me-up.
  • Additional benefits include reducing stress and anxiety, improving digestion, and fighting inflammation.

Integrating Essential Oils for Immune Support

Topical application is one way to enhance immunity.

Various methods exist to harness the benefits of essential oils for immune enhancement. Whether through diffusion, inhalation, or topical application with carrier oils, incorporating these oils into your routine can fortify your immune system.

One way is to add a few drops of your chosen oil (or a combination of oils) to a diffuser and run it in your home or office.

You can add a few drops of oil to a bowl of steaming water and inhale the vapors.

Another option is to dilute the oil with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil or jojoba oil and apply it topically to your chest or back (avoiding contact with your eyes).

Finally, you can add a few drops of essential oil to your bathtub or shower or apply it directly to your skin after bathing.

By incorporating these into your routine, you can help to keep your immune system strong.

Essential Oil Recipes for Immune System

1. Invigorating Immersion Bath Blend:


  • 3 drops Tea Tree Oil
  • 2 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
  • 1 tablespoon Castile Soap
  • 2 oz Himalayan Salt

Directions: Mix all ingredients together and add to a warm bath. Swirl the water to disperse the blend evenly.

2. Respiratory Resilience Inhaler:


  • 4 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
  • 3 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
  • 3 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
  • 2 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil
  • 2 drops Lemon Essential Oil
  • Blank Inhaler

Directions: Add essential oils to a cotton wick and place it into the blank inhaler. Breathe in the therapeutic aroma as needed.

3. Strengthening Shield Diffuser Blend:


  • 2 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
  • 2 drops Clove Essential Oil
  • 2 drops Cinnamon Essential Oil
  • 2 drops Lavender Essential Oil

Directions: Add essential oils to a diffuser with the recommended amount of water.

4. Winter Wellness Chest Rub:


  • 8 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil
  • 8 drops Lavender Essential Oil
  • 8 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
  • 2 oz Coconut Oil
  • 2 oz Glass Jar

Directions: Melt coconut oil by placing the container in warm water. Add the essential oil drops into the glass jar, then fill the jar with the melted coconut oil. Stir the oils together and let the mixture solidify. Apply a small amount to the chest and rub in as needed (2% dilution).

5. Immune Aid Roll-On:


  • 2 drops Lemon Essential Oil
  • 2 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
  • 2 drops Lavender Essential Oil
  • 2 drops Copaiba Essential Oil
  • Jojoba Oil
  • 10 ml Roller Bottle

Directions: Add all essential oils to the roller bottle, then top with jojoba oil. Roll onto the chest as needed for support (4% dilution).

6. Protective Potion Oil Blend:


  • 3 drops Lavender Essential Oil
  • 3 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
  • 3 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
  • 2 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
  • 1 drop Clove Essential Oil
  • 1 oz Jojoba Oil (or carrier oil of choice)
  • 1 oz Dropper Bottle

Directions: Combine all ingredients in the dropper bottle. Apply a few drops to the chest, back, and/or feet as needed (2% dilution).

These recipes offer various ways to utilize essential oils effectively for boosting immunity and overall wellness.

As you can tell, there are many different ways that you can boost your immunity this cold and flu season. Incorporating these essential oils into your every day life, will help chase away those colds and flu illnesses.

You can use these oils in a diffuser, in a steam inhalation, or diluted with a carrier oil and applied topically. Help keep yourself healthy all season long!