Pups and Aromatherapy: Give Them Their Best Life

Pups and Aromatherapy: Give Them Their Best Life

Sep 11, 2023

National Dog Day, celebrated on August 26th in the United States, is a special occasion to honor our beloved canine companions.

For many of us, dogs are not just pets; they are cherished members of our families. We share adventures, walks, snuggles, and even dinner with them.

However, as much as we love them, it breaks our hearts to see them struggle, whether it's due to allergies, anxiety, or the effects of aging.

In recent years, pet parents have turned to holistic solutions, including aromatherapy, to enhance the well-being of their furry friends.

In this article, we will explore how essential oils can benefit your dog and help them lead their best life.

Aromatherapy: An Ally for Anxious Dogs

Dogs possess a finely-tuned and highly sensitive olfactory system, making essential oils a powerful tool for calming anxious canines.

Take, for example, Petey, a 12-year-old Saint Bernard. Petey had spent his entire life dealing with general anxiety and extreme noise phobias.

PeteyPetey running in the snow

His world was shaken when major street repairs brought constant construction noise to his neighborhood, lasting 8-12 hours a day. Additionally, thunderstorms exacerbated his anxiety.

Petey had been prescribed sedatives to manage his anxiety during thunderstorms and fireworks, but they took 45 minutes to take effect, often missing the critical window when he needed relief.

Michelle, Petey's owner, found a solution in essential oils. She created a customized diluted essential oil blend and applied it to her hands. Petey could then smell the soothing aroma while Nanette comforted him.

Though he still panted, he was able to sit with her until the storms passed. This successful experience led to several custom blends for Petey, including calming and sedative blends that not only helped his anxiety but also brought relaxation to Nanette.

Aromatherapy for Healing Trauma in Dogs

Sadly, many rescue dogs, including those from commercial breeding facilities known as puppy mills, have experienced severe trauma before finding their forever homes.

These dogs, especially the breeding mothers who spend their lives in small wire cages, may never have experienced simple joys like playing with toys or walking on grass. They often suffer from profound trauma.

Halo, a golden retriever, was one such breeding mom adopted by Shelly and Steve.
They worked tirelessly for a year to help her adjust, but her progress seemed to plateau. However, aromatherapy brought about a significant breakthrough.

Halo the Golden Retriever

During a visit, Halo showed interest in the aroma of angelica root essential oil. After receiving attention and aromatherapy for 90 minutes, Halo took a remarkable step forward.

She not only stayed with her family but also allowed physical contact and even licked Shelly. This marked the beginning of a profound transformation in Halo's life.

Relief from Pain and Discomfort

Aromatherapy can provide quick relief for pain and discomfort in dogs.

Jake, a 14-year-old Catahoula mix in the twilight of his life, suffers from arthritis and muscle weakness.

Jake the Catahoula mix

His pain-related anxiety often keeps both him and his owner awake at night.

However, Jake has shown a preference for certain essential oils.

A direct inhale of German chamomile and copaiba essential oils has the power to calm his breathing and settle his pacing, allowing him and his owner to find peaceful rest even in the darkest hours of the night.

Through self-selection, Jake has communicated his needs and preferences for essential oils.

This personalized approach has proven to be highly effective. Over the years, countless dogs have benefited from aromatherapy in various situations:

  • Nala, a malnourished and mangy rescue, saw her skin heal and her coat flourish with essential oils.
  • Ella, who once dreaded car rides, found peace and comfort through aromatherapy during her cross-country road trip.
  • Diffusing peppermint in a van filled with rescue dogs prevented car sickness during long journeys.
  • Izzy, a German shepherd with various challenges, experienced pain relief, anxiety reduction, and immune system support through essential oils.
  • Beatrice, a little Yorkie mix with kennel cough, recovered quickly with the help of gentle diffusion.

These stories highlight the versatility and effectiveness of aromatherapy in improving the lives of our furry friends.

Navigating Aromatherapy for Your Dog

While aromatherapy can be a powerful tool for enhancing your dog's well-being, many pet parents are understandably cautious when it comes to essential oils.

There is often conflicting advice about the safety of using essential oils around animals, especially cats. If you find yourself confused or concerned, you are not alone.

Aromatherapy offers a gentle yet highly effective way to support your dog's physical and emotional well-being.

It can provide comfort, alleviate anxiety, and even help in the healing process for dogs who have experienced trauma. However, it's crucial to approach aromatherapy for dogs with care and seek guidance from professionals who specialize in animal aromatherapy.

With the right knowledge and precautions, you can use essential oils to help your pup live their best life possible, bringing joy and comfort to both of you.